RSA reviews part worn tyre issue
The Road Safety Authority (RSA) is reviewing the issue of the sale and fitment of part worn tyres and is working on proposals on the subject in the context of the 2013 – 2020 Road Safety Strategy.
RSA spokesman Brian Farrell told the that the situation is currently under review. “It is something we are very keen to deal with. It is a complex issue, because there are are many different issues with regards to end of life vehicles.”
Farrell says there are numerous strands to the issue, and it is high on the RSA’s list of priorities. “It is an issue we are very concerned about. We have significant plans in the whole area of end of life vehicles and the issuing of death certificates for those vehicles, and having them scrapped and destroyed.”
“Then there is the issue of the importation of second hand tyres and that straddles Revenue, the Department of Environment, EPA, National Consumer Agency and obviously the trade itself. We are in the process of reviewing the whole area and coming up with recommendations. We are acutely aware that it is something that needs to be dealt with, and it is something we are concerned about.”
Check out the full article in the Tyre Trade Journal, part of a five page special on part worn tyres, out on Friday.