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Q4 replacement tyre volumes increase, full year performance generally positive – ETRMA

The European Tyre and Rubber Manufacturers’ Association (ETRMA) has published its members’ replacement tyre sales figures for the fourth quarter, and the full year 2024.

Adam McCarthy, ETRMA secretary general, said: “The 4th quarter 2024 evolution is positive versus the 4th quarter 2023 in all product lines, mainly due to a weak performance in Q4 2023.

“After a negative evolution in 2023 (versus 2022), with -8 per cent in the Consumer segment and -17 per cent in the Truck segment, the evolution of volumes in 2024 is getting better for Consumer tyres, mainly thanks to the All Seasons segment but still slightly negative for Truck tyres.

“In both segments, we are still far from the pre-pandemic volumes, respectively, at -3.5 per cent and -10.3 per cent versus 2019.”

McCarthy said that, despite anti-dumping duties, volumes in Truck tyres continue to be affected by the growth of imports from the likes of China, Korea and India.

“Volumes in the Agricultural tyre segment have been supported by rainy weather conditions,” he added.

The ETRMA’s quarterly update contains the latest data on original equipment tyres, tyre imports into Europe (EU27 plus UK), mobility trends in Europe and sustainability and the tyre industry.