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Greenergy Flexigrid Chooses Goodyear Fuelmax

Greenergy Flexigrid, the fuel haulage service company within the Greenergy Group, will fit more than 100 of its vehicles with Goodyear’s Fuelmax fuel efficient tyre.

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Greenergy Flexigrid delivers around 5 billion litres of fuel a year to both Retail and Commercial customers, travelling over 11.5 million miles a year in the process.

Commenting on the decision to switch to a 100% Goodyear Fuelmax tyre fitment policy, Andy Darling, Business Development Manager at Greenergy Flexigrid, said: “Goodyear already operate within our sector, which means that they understand the challenges and nature of our business.

“Clearly with a fleet as large as ours and doing the sort of annual mileage typical to our operation, fuel efficiency is a major factor when considering the cost-efficiencies of our tyre investment.
Goodyear had the most competitive offer, both in terms of driving cost out of our business through a fuel efficient tyre, and dedicated service support to improve our overall tyre management.”

Goodyear has highlighted the fuel efficiency performance of its Fuelmax tyres through a number of recent tests, including an internal test carried out by German fleet Spedition Bartkowiak.  Their results confirmed a fuel saving potential of up to 1.6 liters per 100 kilometers per truck with Goodyear Fuelmax tyres.

Marc Preedy, Commercial Director at Goodyear Dunlop UK & Ireland, said: “It’s now a few years since we launched the Fuelmax range and we’re seeing more and more fleets demonstrating their fuel saving potential.

“Being able to optimise tyre investment in this way is just an incredibly powerful business proposition to savvy fleet operators.”

Andy Darling concludes: “The reason we went out to the market was because we felt our previous product and service package wasn’t delivering sufficient value to our business.

“What’s impressed us about Goodyear from the very start is their focus on putting the best possible solution in place from a product and service perspective, tailored to the demands of our fleet and business.”