The Irish Tyre Industry Association (ITIA) is calling on members of the tyre trade to pull together to set the “reputable tyre trade apart from those trading in the black economy.”
The Irish Tyre Industry Association (ITIA) wants the tyre sector licensed and regulated by government. ITIA President Kevin Farrell says the focus of all ITIA projects this year has culminated in the drive for licensing programme.
A total of 115 Irish Tyre Industry Association member outlets nationwide took part in providing the tyre safety checks to the motoring public and gave out free safety packs to all who had their tyres checked., during Road Safety Week.
The new president of the Society of the Irish Motor Industry (SIMI) is warning motorists that fitting part worn tyres may save money in the short-term, but such decisions may come back to haunt them in the longer term.
The Irish Tyre Industry Association (ITIA) is warning tyre outlets of the dangers of fitting second hand tyres and the alarming trend of used tyres being recycled onto market.