Prinx Chengshan Holdings Limited, the manufacturer of the Austone Tires brand, has officially joined the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), marking its role as a key supporter of this global initiative.
Earlier in the summer, tyre manufacturer Prinx Chengshan Europe officially announced its partnership with Italian retreading specialist Marangoni. Now, the company has produced its first ever Ringtread for the tyre maker.
Prinx Chengshan, with its Austone brand distributed by Euro Tyre Sales and flagship brand Prinx distributed by Cork Tyre Wholesale in Ireland, has announced that it has begun using EUDR-certified natural rubber in its tyre manufacturing process, effective 1st September.
‘State-of-the-art’ is a term that gets thrown around quite a bit across various press releases and PR; “state-of-the-art facility”, or “state-of-the-art technology”. It’s hard to know what claims are genuine and what’s slightly exaggerated – it’s definitely a case of, ‘you have to see it to believe it’.